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Free Zelda Download Code
Primary Developers: Gleeok, Grayswandir, Venrob, ZoriaRPG
The latest, and final version of ZC in the 2.50.x branch, replacing 2.50.3.
Change Log Source CodeZCLaunch Source Code
Quests made in 2.53 will play in 2.50.0, 2.50.1, 2.50.2, and 2.55–however, player versions prior to 2.53 may not properly play a quest made using 2.53, depending on quest rules, and ZScript usage. 2.53 will properly play all quests made using 2.50.0, 2.50.1, and 2.50.2.
Long-term support for four years from the published date of the release build.
Zelda Classic, v2.53 Long Term Support Edition
Release 2
17th April, 2019 (21:11GMT).
Primary Developers: Venrob, ZoriaRPG
A preliminary build package of 2.53.1, for the 20th Anniversary ‘6th Quest’ Contest
This package includes new features including modular data packages (.ztile, .znpc, .zcombo, .zitem, .zdmap, .zalias), GUI skins, support for multiple .sav files, a new version of ZCL to set the current skins and the current save file, and a lot of bugfixes and improvements. Once 6th.qst is done, it will be packaged with this build alongside a new blank quest with Z1 maps pre-set-up and all of the Classic.zh elements pre-configured. This build will replace 2.53.0 Release 2 in December 2019 or January 2020 to mark the 20th Anniversary of Zelda Classic! Furthermore, this is the first version of ZC that bundles a standalone version of DXGL, that you may enable, disable, and configure direct from ZCLaunch.
2.53.0 Release 3 (Preliminary) is updated very regularly, so check back often to ensue that you remain current!
Change Log Source CodeZCLaunch Source Code
Zelda Classic 2.53.1, Pre-release package for 20th Anniversary, 6th-Quest Contest
Updated on 23rd November, 2020 @ 22:57 GMT
- Disabled header guard due to bugs.
- Updated Allegro to v4.4.4.
- Added a special colour (teal) to water combos when drowning is off.
- Fixed Linux console using Debian.
- Add forced NULL terminator to pointers passed to TraceS().
- Added 'Snap to Grid' to FFC Right Click contextual menu.
- Raised max deaths count from 999 to 65535.
- Updated package with
classic.zh v1.13
, fixing a compiling error. - Find the B52s Easter Egg.
- Added Quest->Rules->Pick Ruleset to ZQ menus.
- Updated
to v 1.12. TheChangeRoomGuy
script now ignoresNPC_FIRE
. <std 1.5013>
Added sanity guard onSetLayerCombo
functions.- Rewrote the MIDI Patch Fix to work properly on modern (Post-XP) Windows.
- Added Fullsceen confirmation warning, backported from 2.55.
- Fixed error messages for invald GOTO type instructions.
- Fixed possible crash on invalid gotos from logging args order.
- Epilepsy Protection is now set when you launch a NEW INSTALL of ZC, immediately prior to loaing the player interface.
- Reduced the amplitude of screen wave effects when epilepsy protection is enabled.
- Added a ZQE hotkey for '?' that opens the version info display.
- Added an emulation flag '2.10 Hammer Upward Reach'.
- Implemented a request from ShadowTiger, whereby when you edit a DMap, and select a map tile, when you go to edit further DMap map tiles within the same session, the DMap editor will remember the last tile that you used.
- Header Guard for the ZScript compiler is now defaulted to off.
- Added the following configs to ZQuest: PreFillTileEditorPage = (0 1), PreFillComboEditorPage = (0 1), PreFillMapTilePage = (0 1).
- Don't allow taking ZC GUI snapshot, with menu open, with wonky colours.
- ZC GUI snapshot (Shift+F12) uses correct game colours, as long as the menu isn't active.
- Allow taking a screenshot in ZC that shows the subscreen area when the NOSUBSCREEN flag is enabled, by holding the ALT key when taking the snapshot.
- Preserve the quest colours when taking a GUI snapshot in ZC Player unless the user holds the CONTROL key when taking the snapshot.
- Fixed a crash reported by ywkls,that when trying to use the tile grabber on
files, where the tile grabber would allow the user to scroll outside the bounds of the .qst tile buffer. - Fixed issues with playing some 2.10 quests, particularly HttH.
- Fixed some bugs related to A+B and B-only subscreen quest init that prevented using the A-button item.
- Fixed a crash when selecting 'Cancel' during ZScript compilation caused by a memory leak.
- Added sanity guard to inline bool get_item(int id). This prevents some illegal access to gamedata.
- Fixed possible crash and bad error message for Screen->Combo[] errors.
- Slight timing fix to directItemA, for B-only quests.
- Added copy/paste floodfill to the Tile Editor.
- Added the ability to copy a tile block and overlay that to multiple tiles in the Tile Editor.
- Fixed bugs when mass-overlaying tiles in the Tile Editor.
- Make default cheat modkeys SHIFT, not CTL+SHIFT.
- Added a new Quest Report type: Bugged Next-> Combos.
- Added extra sanity guards and reports to
, andPitWarp
Fixed a bug where custom quests would advance to 1st qsuest on winning them. - Added
for use by 6th entries that have custom credits. - Backported Rob's fixes for abc list size from 2.55.
- Backported the Linux console from 2.55 to 2.53.1.
- Fixed a long-term bug where A-button items fail to work after playing an A+B quest.
- Fixed initialisation for forced_awpn, forced_bwpn.
- Fixed a bug where the custom .sav file was being ignored if absent, rather than generated.
- Writing Link->Equipment no longer resets on screen/Dmap changes.
- Updated
- All file and other alphabetical listers now allow typing multiple characters to jump to an entry.
- Backported ZQE minimap enhancements from 2.55.
- Fixed ' not working in import/include directives.
- Improved the efficiency of compiled ZScript.
- Fixed ZVersion.zh
- FIxed 'Use Pal CSet' tickbox in the Enemy Editor.
- The emulation option for Old / Bugged Bush->Next+Flag is on by default for 2.50.3 or earlier quests.
- Add H, S, L Hotkeys (Shift or Control) to Colour Picker.
- Fix include paths ordering grabbing incorrect files.
- Added the .zdoors file type, import and export doorsets.
- Backported Link->Eaten from 2.55.
- Fixed some header guard issues and crashes.
- Added sanity bounds and error logging to Screen->Combo*[pos].
- The console now shows more metadata for quests.
- Fixed a clash between Tile Warp and Warp Ring dialogues.
- Added fire effect to new AGN logo.
- Added new splash logo by King_Aquamentus, and new splash audio by stk13.
- This means that the build has a new zelda.dat file. This .dat file and the old .dat are incompatible.
- Warning: If you use the new .dat with an older version of ZC Player, or the new zelda.exe with an old zelda.dat, it may crash. Do not mixand match these new files!
- Fixed vine tiles on story scroll and updated qst.dat.
- New ghost.zh, version 2.8.12.
- Fixed a trace logged when creating dustpile sprites.
- All roomtypes now allow a 'Generic Catchall' set via the menus.
- Fixed the 'Item 2' and 'Item 3' counter subscreen elements.
- Fixed .ZCOMBO files corrupting due to combo animations.
- Make ZASM errors for scommand printf format %lu, not %ld.
- Fixed the DMap Selection window not drawing a preview or other data.
- Experimentally Allow setting all item pickup flags. None are blocked.
- Disabled include/import logging in the compiler output window.
- Made header guards strict, to match 2.55.
- Updated std.zh to 1.5012, adding remchr(*ptr).
- Updated copyright year to 2020.
- Added TheRandomHeader v2 to ./headers.
- Fixed a bug where traps repeatedly set the screen flag temporary no return.
- Fixed bugs in the input dialogues.
- Removed clipped decimal map ID in small mode.
- Fixed a sanity check in float Distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int scale).
- std.zh now uses #include, not import.
- Properly report script exit.
- The include directive now scans inlude paths first, and root last to atch 2.55.
- Fixed Daira enemies in qst.dat.
- Optimised Zscript function calls to use one fewer opcode.
- Fixed a bug with ->Next combos and screen secrets.
- Added header guards and a ZScript Copiler settings dialogue.
- Fixed a possible crash when saving MIDI files from ZC Player.
- Clear the panel recent screen buttons when creating a new quest.
- Clear the panel recent screen buttons to prevent crashes from invalid maps.
- ZScript Dialogue: Import is now Load (hotkey 'L'), to match 2.55.
- Display both hex and decimal numbers for the screen.
- Display colour in tile editor as hex.
- Fixed a memory leak caused by mirror-reflected weapons.
- Fixed potions killing ambient screen sounds.
- UI and Help Improvements, and fixes.
- Added Isabelle Chiming's Z1 and Z2 NSFs, plus license in ./music
- Added include paths: 'include', 'headers', 'scripts'.
- Updated headers and qst.dat (buffer) to call '#include'.
- Fixed a crash when working with .ztile/.ztileset files.
- Fixed new quests not logging game events by default.
- Revised .zdmap format, and added the ability to import or export sets of dmaps in one file.
- Revised Import and Export menus a bit.
- Fixed bugs when working with combo alias mode (arrows, scrolling with hotkeys).
- Fixed TF drop in Ganon rooms with conveyors (...but, WHY?!)
- Minor fixes to Ganon respawn and ashes spawn.
- Fixed negative layers being rendered improperly in ZQuest.
- Fixed (none) list positions.
- The parser now gives wrong version errors if you use 2.55-specific / reserved tokens.
- Added simplified #include directive and alt tokens to the lexer.
- Fixed default cursor sizes.
- Updated .ztheme files, std.zh, ghost.zh, tango.zh.
- CRITICAL: Fixed crashes if you set compiler SFX to 0.
- Added block comments and some alternate tokens to the lexer.
- Fixed errors in zscript.txt, now v0.7.6.
- Fixed crashes when saving files with very long paths.
- Fixed an off-by-one error in .ztile and in .ztileset load/write.
- Added .ZMOD in a new 'light' format for 2.53.1.
- Refactored .DMP int .ZDMAPSET.
- Refactored full tileset import and export, adding .ZTILESET.
- Added .ZTILE, .ZNPC, .ZDMAP, .ZCOMBO, and .ZALIAS file types.
- Fixed an issue that caused Malwarebytes to false flag ZC.
- Added scale options for the mouse cursors.
- Added .ZITEM individual item save/load to the Item Editor--UPDATED @17:37GMT.
- Updated ZCL to 2.8.0 with new zc.cfg options, and which handles loading user theme/skin files.
- CRITICAL: Fixed a bug where very old ghosted enemies were rendered invisible.
- CRITICAL: Fixed a bug that caused zc.sav to be eaten.
- Added hotkeys for Level palettes and Fixed Incorrect (violet) Level palette mapscreen grid display.
Primary Developers: Gleeok, Grayswandir, Venrob, ZoriaRPG
The latest, in-development version of ZC. This version introduces Modules to both the ZQuest Editor, and ZC Player, and it introduces many new features, including script types for weapons, enemies, Link, and DMaps, more graphical capabilities, and general expansion of all ZQuest Editor capabilities.
Change Log Source Code ZCLaunch Source Code
You are now able to do things such as making larger enemies, giving items pick-up strings, and more, purely using the editor, without scripts.
Note that the download size is rather large, because it includes many test quest files, along with three modules (Classic, Default, and Expo). Eventually, the Classic module will be separate, DLC, and the Default module (when complete), will be the primary module included with ZQuest Creator.
Modules Downoads
DefaultZelda ClassicDemoPhantomMenace Expo 2018Module Tools
There may be some bugs along the way, but we fix them as they occur.
For a taste of things to come, please feel free to try 2.55 today. The development team fully-supports developing new quests in these Alphas.
Updated on 14th November, 2020 @ 22:40 GMT
- Many additional bugfixes and improvements.
- Added a script quest instruction setting to cause Link's respawn points to match script-written
with a Script Settings Rule. - Fixed the bug where Link's spin attack animation is misused when he falls into pits if he is holding a charged sword.
<std 1.7109>
: Fix error message on invalidCanWalk
directions.- Fix Keyboard Cheat Modifier Dialogue.
- Updated Allegro to v4.4.4 (Lib file date 28-Sept-2020).
- Added a special colour (teal) to water combos when drowning is off when viewing combo solidity.
- Updated
to v2.14, and added./docs/Classix.txt
. - Writing
should now restartcombodata
scripts for the target id. - Fixed Linux console issues and Linux compile issues.
- Writing
on Leever enemy types now also affects their submerged CSet. - The player can no longer change direction when stunned.
- Fixed some crashes where non-NULL-terminated strings were passed to
. - Added 'Snap to Grid' to FFC Right Click contextual menu.
- Raised max deaths count from 999 to 65535.
- Prevent hard crash when out of memory during compile ZScript.
- Added dmap flag to allow fully custom item cellar and passageway enemies.
- Added a number of extra features to TF fragments.
- Updated
with diagonal hookshot gfx. - Additional work on
. <std 1.7107>
Addedvoid HoldUpItem(...)
, and fixedenum HeroAction
values.- Added a number of editor and script options to TF Fragment items.
- All key types can now run scripts when used, within some limitations.
- Added Diagonal Hookshot.
- Fixed an issue where the SHOPCHEAT QR could cause subscreen corruption under very specific conditions.
- Sparkle lweapons now run scripts.
- Fixed BS Patra children reporting that they are cores.
- Fixed ZScript logical errors with logical OR and logical AND, with negative values.
- Fixed writing to
. - Enhanced Step->Effects with damage, sprites and other features.
- Fixed Sideview Platform combo solidity and mechanics.
<classic.zh 2.13>
Fixed scriptChangeRoomGuy
so that it does not treatNPC_FIRE
as a room guy.- Added flag Split in Place to walking enemies.
- Added the behavioral flag
Centre Spawn
to Gleeok enemies. - It is now possible to set enemy editor size attributes on some additional bosses but the outcome is possibly dubious.
- Fixed splitting enemies splitting into one enemy.
- Shallow water and tall grass combos now allow a step sound effect.
- Added Combo Type
. - Added Spawn No Enemies and Spawn All Enemies combo flags..
- Fixed script draws in warps.
- Show progress loading
file. - Show appropriate metadata when loading quests.
- Added sanity guards to prevent
crashing. - Fixed memory holes in
sprite enemy
classes. - Refactored
MIDI Patch Fix
so that it works on modern OSes. - Added demo scripts
hero script onDeath
andglobal script F6
. <std 1.7106>
Added sanity guards on allSetLayerCombo
functions, with warnings.- Fixed Palette Cycle dialogue.
- Fixed crash on
dialogue. - Fixed
combodata script
scripts timing, and addedWaitdraw
support. - Fixed
combodata script
scripts setting their run condition without respecting layers. - Updated
to version2.0.1
. - Fixed duplication of Enemy Editor
label. <std 1.7105>
Fixed a compiling error, and added constants for new npc types.Hero->Stun
was inappropriately sized as a byte; and I have now corrected it to be sized as an integer.- Jumping enemies (vire, pols voice) now jump properly again.
- Reading combo labels by script (
should now be faster. - Fix some weapon tile errors.
- Added
Module->GetItemClass(char32 *buffer, int itemclass)
. - Added the global pointer class
to ZScript. - Added
int Module->GetInt(char32 *section, char32 *element);
. - Added
void Module->GetString(char32 *buffer, char32 *section, char32 *element);
.` - Fixed the script name reports in error messages, adding new types and correcting the offsets.
- Using a function or a variable on null pointer will now give its on error message.
- Fixed whistle wind warps.
- Added
to ZScript - Changed the subscreen code so that if a script forces a weapon to A or B, that the subscreen does not refuse to display it when out of ammo.
- Add access to
subscreen script variables. - Fix zscript string functions truncating at 256 characters.
<std.zh 1.7104>
Added constants for minimum, maximum, and count of counter types. Fixed typo onIC_WPN_CUSTOM_*
chain of constants.- Fix lexer state not clearing
- Fix
return *10000 - <
std 1.7103>
constants for shadow types on strings. - Add shadowsto
as overloads. - Fix
- Allow passive subscript to run during death animimation.
- Fix multiple importstrs on one line not working
- Fixed error messages for invalid
type instructions. - Fixed possible crash on invalid
type instructions logging args order. - Epilepsy Protection is now set when you launch a NEW INSTALL of ZC, immediately prior to loading the player interface.
- Reduced the amplitude of screen wave effects when epilepsy protection is enabled.
- Add conditional include
. - Add
to check included files. - Enemy shadows no longer fall into pits.
- This may need revision when we add larger shadows.
- Don't allow *Bats* to slow to a step of 0 over a pit.
<std 1.7102>
Update FFRules to v1.6- Added a rule under Options>>>Other>>>2: Instant Respawn on Death.
- Flying enemies with a Z <= 0 ignore pits unless they are stunned.
- The following bosses now obey spawn flags, if the Behaviour Flag 'Obeys Spawn Flags' is enabled:
- Aquamentus, GleeoK, Patra, Gohma, Moldorm. Lanmola.
- Enemies do not fall during spawn animations.
- Floaters do not land over pits.
- Lanmolas do not spawn inside pits: All enemies need this code.
- Added
to ZScript. - Fixed fallthrough on
. - Fixed logging message for
dmapdata->MapTile, MapCSet
. - Moving Pushblocks now respect Pits
- Fix
missing *10000 - Fix various things having collision while falling and Link being vulnerable while falling.
- Add ENGINE PITS! These have a lot of interaction with enemies, items, weapons, and Link.
- Add new Link sprites; 'Drown' and 'Falling' are implemented
- Fix issue with importing
files - Fix
dmap subscreen scrip
t slotWaitdraw()
. - Add QR allowing passive subscreen script to run during opening wipes / potion refilling.
- Add new features to
now can use%02D
' format. - Fix minus key shifting combos on screen.
- Fix combo editor 'X' in titlebar not working
<std 1.7055>
, addedGetMapscreenEflags
for mapdata,MapscreenFlags
- Fixed
. - Added
, androomtypes.zh
. - Added
. - Fixed issues with player jump height.
- Added a rule to prevent scrolling while jumping in overhead.
- Fixed inaccuracies in
. - Fixed
ignoring DMap offsets. - Added
. - Fixed mathematical bugs in
and legacy quest emulation. - Added the hotkey
to display version information in ZQE. - Added speed modifiers to the Raft item.
- The DMap editor will now remember your last used tile when setting Map tiles.
- Added configs:
, to allow easier GoTo hotkey command use. - Fixed bugs with taking snapshots in ZC Player and added modifiers to hotkeys.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if you use the Tile Grabber on a .qst file and try to scroll beyond the end of the file.
- Fixed critical issues with
in scripts. - Disabled the rule qr_STEP_IS_FLOAT on quest load for quests made before this version.
<std, 1.7053>
Added `bool HasHeavyBoots()`, and added constants for new combo flags.- Fixed issues in some 2.10 quests related to the ladder and one-tile water combos.
- Can now automatically cause the select quest dialogue to open on entering a save slot name.
- Added a Heavy flag to step combos, that requires a boots item with the Iron flag to trigger.
- Fix combo scripts re-initializing every frame and crashes when using combo scripts on layers > 0.
- Added
<astar.zh> A*
library. - More fixes to B-only and A+B item subscreen bugs that occur when shifting between quests.
- Fixed
functions or weapons and non-npc sprites. - Fixed a memory leak caused by aborting a script compilation.
- Fixed some values related to
. - Fixed crashes relating to division by zero with
, and with tribbling enemies. - Added option to emulate old
values being truncated. - Prevent OOB array overflows when reading gamedata caused by faulty subscreen maths.
- Fix enemies walking through walls.
- Fixed a crash stemin gfrom Screen->Combo and mapdata->Combo error messages.
- Fixed wallmasters not emerging from walls.
- Fixed some issues with npc positions in scripts.
- Enemies should now obey scripttile and scriptflip with Old Draw rule.
- Various fixes to new String Editor and related QRs.
- Added the config setting
and tozquest.cfg
. - Fixed main menu issues in small mode.
- Fix fixed-point errors in the ZScript interpreter.
<std, 1.7051>
Fixed the value forCF_SIDEVIEW_PLATFORM
.- Added some new Favourite Commands and re-worked some existing commands.
- Fixed
in ZScript wrecking negativefloat
values. - You can now floodfill paste tiles after copying a single tile, in the Tile Editor.
- Added the ability to
tile blocks in the Tile Editor. - Fixed
mass overlay
in the Tile Editor. - Added multi-jump to Feathers.
- Rewrite the
class used by Allegro. Now all float coordinates in ZScript are precise. - Updated
to version 2.8.15. - Updated
to version 1.7050. - Made
internal ZScript commands. - Added stricmp and strnicmp as internal ZScript commands.
- Fixed swords not working after playing an A+B Subscreen quest.
- Added
to ZScript. - You can now Import and Export all ZASM.
- You can now use arbitrary files as read/write using
. - Sped up array allocation in ZASM.
- Added a Quest Report to easily locate buggy Next-> combos (with secret flags).
- Added
to ZScript, and fixed some registration issues. - Fixed default cheat modifier keys to ensure that all keybindings are unique.
- Add more copy/paste options to String Editor
- Fix new combo animation respecting ASkipY and related issues.
- Fix tile move not respecting ASkipX/Y
- Added
- Fix the right 'Script Info' button.
- Clean u script compilation error and warning output for pointers.
- Add 'Clear' and 'Clear All' buttons to slot assign dialog.
- Added
to ZScript - Fixed and updated the ZScript docs.
- Fixed
and onbitmap->
. - Fixed summoners not setting the
of their spawn. - Fixed ZASM corruption when compiling scripts with refVars.
- Optimised drawing command ASM.
- Added annotations to ZASM metadata.
- Fixed issues with global script slots, and added
global slot onSave
. - Revamped
allocation, and addedFilesystem IO
pointers. - Fix ripping tiles fro other quests changing or clearing QRs.
- Added new string editor features to set portraits, text offsets, complex backgrounds (with option for translucency).
- You can now type multiple letters to find items in alphabetical lists.
v1.7049.- Major optimisations of ZASM generation from ZScript files.
- Added ZASM Metasdata.
- Added
type to ZScript. - Added
and Import/Export Doorsets. - Redesigned the Palette Editor, adding the ability to manually enter values.
- Rewrote the
system. - Invalid tiles are black with an X, not colour of pal index 0.
- ZVersion v0.7.3; fixes compiling issues.
- Fixed the ability to set/unset 'Use Pal CSet' on enemies.
- Updated
to 2.8.14. - Added the SCC
that accepts dmap, screen, d reg. - Added sanity guards, fixing obscure crashes when using Screen/mapdata->Combo[]
- Added the ability to call the Pick Ruleset dialogue at any time.
- Fixed enemy
bugs. - Removed ANIMATECUSTOMWEAPONS and forced it off at all times.
- Added combodata-> ars for new combo anim/tile/clock/frame.
- Revamped QR rulesets, fixing bugs where rulesets were set changed, when you saved a < 2.55 quest.
- Fixed combo cycling animation.
- New variable Hero step speed.
- New combo animation engine.
- New logo and splash screen.
- New 'Modern' Quest Rule Template.
- Added Hero QR Dialogue.
- Fixed a clash where Tile Warp and Warp Ring Dialogues corrupted one-another.
- Revised the aesthetics of the ZQE screen selection grid.
- Added custom SFX to Step>Secrets combo types.
- Made Subscreen Counter Object 'Item2' and 'Item3' fields work as originally intended in 2.50.
- Fixed a crash using NO_ERROR_HALT with undeclared constants.
- Added tokens ~~ and ~= to ZScript.
- Added case ranges to switch-case in ZScript.
- Added
- Fixed the DMap minimap preview in the Select DMap dialogue.
- Added combo scripts.
- Various Combo Editor Enhancements
- Fixed a crash when using Generic combos with IDs > 255.
- Updated
to v4. - Fix Byrna beam orbit positions.
- Added Waitdraw to npc scripts, and to lweapon scripts.
- Added npc->Random.
- Fixed a crash when using array literals.
- Fixed header guard filename imprecision.
- Fixed enemies with Animation Type 'None' animating.
- Extensive upgrades to the Combo Editor.
- Removed duplicate std.zh from root.
- Fixed fire weapons from red candle and other bugs with wFire->Level.
- Added Quest>>Rules>>Weapons>>All Dialogue
- Added QRs for angular weapon and mirror interaction.
- Updated std.zh to v1.7020, adding weapon.zh and 'namespace weapon'.
- Added eweapon script 'addtwoangularshots'.
- Added eweapon->Level
- Added MakeBlockable(ew), MakeUnblockable(ew), and Duplicate() now clones wpn->Level
- Added tiumezone to Module metadata.
- Floor() and Ceiling() are now internal.
- Added functions to resize a ZScript int to signed/unsigned 8-bit and 16-bit values.
- Fixed combo animation during onLaunch, onF6, onDeath, and dmapdata subscreen scripts.
- Fixed Link's tiles not working on extended tile pages.
- Tile Editor now displays the current colour in hex, in addition to decimal.
- Fixed a memory leak caused by mirror-reflected weapons.
- Fixed potions killing ambient sounds.
- Minor fixes to Weapon Type for lweapons.
- Fixed case sensitivity on header guard filenames.
- Added Time.zh and Bitmap.zh to ./include
- Emulated Weapon Types now trigger secrets.
- Fixed all known issues with Weapon Editor>>>Weapon>>>Weapon Type (Weapon Type Emulation)
- Critical: Fixed crashes when creating eweapons with invalid types.
- Expanded internal Help.
- Added Module metadata.
- Various UI improvements.
- Improved ZASM ebugger, and monchrome option for ZScript Debugger.
- Added Breakpoints to ZScript.
- Sprite limits are now variable.
- Added Isabelle Chiming's Z1 and Z2 NSFs, plus license in ./music
- Added new enemy flags for behaviour and drawing.
- Fixed bugs with using Waitdraw() in item scripts.
- Added dropsetdata to ZScript.
- Fixed arrows/page hotkeys in combo alias mode.
- Added ->Gravity[] to ZScript
- Fixed and added some combodata variables.
- Fixed some issues with the DMap Sideview flag.
- Fixed visual bugs when using negative layers in ZQ Creator.
- Added logical xor to ZScript, plus fixed a crash from NO_HALT.
- Fixed a crash when setting compiler SFX to 0.
- Updated Classic.zh to v2.12, fixing some compilation issues.
- Numerous fixes to Import/Export files.
- CRITICAL Fixed crashes on saving files with long paths.
- Added the ability to load sprite objects by UID, and added eweapon->ParentUID.
- Fixed compatibility issues writing npc->Defense[NPCD_SCRIPT].
- Fixed and added screenshot options.
- Fixed shadow QRs for weapons and items.
- Added the ability for npcs to fire Custom/Script eweapons.
- Added more QRs for offscreen weapons. You can now have all weapons move offscreen.
- Added EWeapon script to allow any enemy to fire lasers (.zs and .zasm).
- Added Logical Xor to ZScript as '^^'.
- Updates and fixes to combodata, dmapdata and added Game->Gravity[].
Latest Stable Release, Released October, 22nd, 2015
Primary Developers: DarkDragon, Dark Nation, Gleeok, jman2050, Joe123, _L_, pkmnfrk, Saffith
ZC 2.50.2 is deprecated by 2.53.Per-platform support for 2.50.2 ends when a final build of 2.53 is released for that platform. Please note that as of MacOS X v10.15, Zelda Classic will no longer run on Mac OSX, due to Apple deprecating 32-bit software support, OpenGL,Quarts, QT Libs, and requiring all apps to be certified by Apple.
We cannot support ARM, or similar CPU architectures, nor can we support Android or iOS.
Please come back on a PC to download the game for Windows, Linux, or MacOS.
The latest Linux version of Zelda Classic. This version is packed with new features such as an enemy editor, item editor, scripting, and more. This also includes a better, larger interface with more features.
The latest MacOS version of Zelda Classic. This version is packed with new features such as an enemy editor, item editor, scripting, and more. This also includes a better, larger interface with more features.
This now includes a MacOS X build of ZCLaunch.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild CD Key Serial Number
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild CD Key Serial Number
Free Zelda Download Code Free