English Conversations All Occasions Pdf Files

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Conversations for all Occasions. English Conversation For All Occasions.pdf Free Download Here. 292 Spoken English. Amy: Hey, this is Amy from Real English Conversations, and today we’re going to be talking about some of the different experiences we’ve had while traveling through various airports. Curtis: We’ve been to Costa Rica. ShortSituational Dialogs for Students of English as a Foreign Language. Dean Curry, Editor. Language Notes by Anne Covell Newton. First published in 1980. Second printing 1994. By the English Language Programs Division. Of the United States Information Agency, Washington, DC. This printing published in 2003.

English Conversations

English Conversations at Hotel Reception
Improve English through everyday English listening and English conversations.

I have written a detailed book English conversation for all occasions, to learn English as foreign language . These tutorials on English Conversations at Hotel Reception have been prepared from my well known book English conversation for all occasions, which I wrote for Indian students to practice English.
English Conversation for All Occasions is a unique spoken English book of its kind, specially written to help Indian students. A quick look at the titles of the lessons would convince the reader that the book has been prepared by visualizing all types of situational conversations, which he may confront in his daily activities. Whether one converses with his family members or moves about to mix in society, he will not feel tongue-tied for want of appropriate words or expressions. In a post office or barber’s shop, at a hotel or taxi stand, every person who has read this book, will be able to speak English fluently and with confidence.

Good knowledge and satisfactory conversation drill is important in English speaking. These tutorials would not only prove an asset to the reader speak English fluently in his daily life, but also on special occasions like interviews for jobs, etc. He would be able to face the interviewers with equanimity and confidence.

All the lessons have been designed in a programmed fashion. Word-meanings, Phrases and exercises have been added at the end of every lesson to help the students master the topics.

All the lessons should be read along, not once but many times, so that the conversation comes easy to the reader when he faces spoken English situations. The author would feel rewarded for his labours, if the book helps men and women to face social relations with confidence.

This Tutorial should help all those readers who find difficulty in speaking fluent English as well as pronunciation. This blog will be completed in 45 tutorials.

I am planning to convert this whole blog into a audio visual course. Any donation to finance this project, through PAYPAL, is welcome.

I also welcome suggestions,corrections,improvements,images. Please send them in the form of comments


English Conversation- Hotel Reception

Mr.Verma has gone on tour to Lucknow. He enters in the Chitra Hotel and goes to the Hotel Reception

Hotel building

Hotel,hotel reception,hotel reservation

Hotel Receptionist Good afternoon, Sir. Can I help you?

Hotel Reception

Mr.Verma Good afternoon. Can I get a room in the Hotel please?

Hotel Receptionist Have you made a Advance booking, Sir?

Mr.Verma I’m afraid I haven’t done any room reservation. I tried to do hotel online booking. I believe that hotel reservation software was not working then

Hotel Receptionist What kind of a room do you want, Sir? A double

room or a single room?

English Conversations All Occasions Pdf Files Free

Mr.Verma A single room, please.

hotel single room

Hotel Receptionist Let me see. (Looking at the register). We are fully booked up at this time of the year. No, we haven’t a single room available, sir.

Mr.Verma But please do try to help me out. I wouldn’t know where else to stay.

Hotel Receptionist would you like to see the hotel Manager, Sir? He just might have some rooms reserved for emergencies.

Mr.Verma Thank you. Can you direct me to the Hotel Manager, Please.

Hotel Receptionist I’ll trace him for you in the hotel. Just a moment, Sir.(Talking into the phone). Please get me the Hotel Manager. He might be in booking office or he might have gone on a round of the hotel. It he is not in the booking office, try the North Indian Restaurant. Thank you

north Indian Restaurant.

Mr.Verma In the mean while, can someone get my baggage out of the taxi?

Hotel Receptionist Why not. Of course. (Tapping a bell for the porter. To the porter.) Please get the gentleman’s bags out of the taxi. (To Mr.Verma) please do sit down. I’ll speak to the Manager of the Hotel about a room for you, Sir.

Mr.Verma What is the room tariff in this hotel

Hotel Manager at Hotel Reception

Hotel Manager discussing with guest at Hotel Reception

English Conversations All Occasions Pdf Files Pdf

Hotel Receptionist The gentleman here has no reservation but requires a single room. All the rooms are booked up.

Hotel Manager (Looking at the register). How long do you want to stay, Sir?

Mr.Verma Just for one night. I’m catching the afternoon train tomorrow.

Hotel Manager All right. I think we can accommodate you. Miss prashar, give the gentleman one of the room booked for the German group. Their plane has been delayed and they will now be coming in tomorrow by lunch time. Will that be all right, Sir?

Mr.Verma Thank you very much.

Manager You are welcome.

Hotel Receptionist Here you sir, Sir. I am giving you a single room on the second floor. Will you please fill in your name and address in the registration book please Thank you.

Mr.Verma Does the room rent include meals also?

Morning Tea

English Conversations All Occasions Pdf Files Download

Hotel Receptionist No, Sir. Meals are charged separately. Here is your room key. We’ve put you in room 206. The porter will take you bags up to your room. Is there anything else you would like, Sir?

Mr.Verma No. Thank you very much.

Hotel Receptionist It is a pleasure, Sir.

English Conversations All Occasions Pdf Files I Love

Porter This way, Sir.

Mr.Verma Oh yes, for got to mention. Can I get morning tea at 5o’clock tomorrow morning?

Hotel Receptionist Download game 72 in 1 for pc. Certainly Sir. We’ll call you at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning, with tea. If you want to eat your meals in the hotel, you can either call Room Service, or come down to eat in one of the restaurants.

Mr.Verma Thank you.