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Black Mirror – Arkangel. Released in 2018. Usually, Black Mirror will depict how a technological potentiality may be abused or misused, but there isn’t really any instance of abuse or misuse in “Crocodile” (at least, not by the character employed to use it, but more on that later). What sickens is the human aspect, and that’s the strength of “Crocodile”: its plot quality. Black Mirror seems to have a fascination with implants. Many episodes involve something digital being implanted in some part of a person. One of the weirder examples of this recurring detail is the child tracking and monitoring implant in the episode, Arkangel. Black Mirror season 4: Arkangel review Reviews Directed by Jodie Foster, Arkangel is a thought-provoking tale about where to draw the line when protecting children from harm. “Arkangel” is the second episode of Black Mirror's fourth season. It stars Rosemarie DeWitt, Brenna Harding, and Owen Teague. 1 Production 2 Overview 3 Cast 4 Trivia 5 Trailer Prior to its release, co-creator Annabel Jones disclosed the following information about the episode: “This one’s like an indie movie set in blue-collar America, even though we filmed it in Canada. Now there's cause for concern, though, because a recent episode of Black Mirror, 'Arkangel,' spreads false information about emergency contraception that could potentially mislead viewers.

Of the three episodes I’ve watched this season, it’s true to say that each one of them is horrifying in their own unique way. But “Crocodile” tops them all. And, much like I felt after “U.S.S. Callister” that it would be hard for any season 4 episode to outdo its quality, I very much feel that it will be difficult for any of the remaining episodes to be as sickening as “Crocodile”.

In what I consider a first for any Black Mirror episode I’ve seen, the strength of “Crocodile” lies in its story, not the technology, because it’s actually the story that terrifies, not the technology. Usually, Black Mirror will depict how a technological potentiality may be abused or misused, but there isn’t really any instance of abuse or misuse in “Crocodile” (at least, not by the character employed to use it, but more on that later). What sickens is the human aspect, and that’s the strength of “Crocodile”: its plot quality would remain undiminished were the technology an insignificant aspect, because the plot premise is largely sustainable without it.

The technology in question is a “Recaller”, which is used by insurance companies to investigate claims, and police to investigate crimes. Interestingly, though the Recaller is portable, it’s a large and presumably heavy device, similar to how clunky computers were when they first hit the market (less the portability). It’s a futuristic technology that we can presume from appearance is an early model, which is a wise choice: in an isolated settings in Iceland, it makes sense that the only significant example of futurism is very rudimentary.

That isn’t so in the city, however, where there are features such as self-driving, automated pizza delivery vans. But we’ll get to that later, too.

“Crocodile” opens with Mia Nolan and her boyfriend Rob accidentally running over a cyclist in snowy Iceland, intoxicated by marijuana. They make the decision to dump his body and bicycle in the lake, and then go about their lives.

A time jump then advances us 15 years: Mia now has a husband and son, and an apparently successful architecture career. One evening, while travelling to the city to give a speech about her work, Mia receives a visit in her hotel room from Rob. He has come across an article about the man they killed, whose wife is still looking for him. Rob wants to confess anonymously, and when Mia’s attempts to dissuade him fail, she murders him. She then witnesses an accident involving one of the self-driving, automated pizza delivery vans on the street outside while trying to think of a plan, before purchasing a pornographic video and room service to establish an alibi, then sneaking out and disposing of Rob’s body.

Hyundai android auto download file. All of this is absolutely necessary set-up (and Andrew Gower’s performance as Rob is standout), but it’s so protracted that it’s over a third of the way into the episode before the Recaller, and insurance investigator Shazia Akhand, is properly introduced. All we see of Shazia in the lead-up to this is a sidebar which shows her visiting someone to investigate a claim. It’s not until after everything with Mia and Rob has played out that the focus almost completely switches to Shazia investigating the pizza delivery van accident.

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That’s partly why “Crocodile” feels disjointed, which is hard to reconcile with the fact that I don’t have any suggestion as to how this could have been written any other way and still make sense.

But once Shazia begins her investigation, it’s inevitable that her and Mia’s storylines will come crashing together. Each person Shazia speaks to recalls enough to generate another lead, until her last point of call becomes Mia. Understandably, given she’s now committed two murders, Mia is hesitant to allow Shazia to see her memories. And rightly so, for when the Recaller reveals Mia’s less-than-legal activities, Shazia immediately flees.

Lumion 8 activation code free download. But Black Mirror isn’t keen to let Shazia off the hook, and Mia is able to subdue and restrain her.

Mia then interrogates Shazia to find out if she told anyone else that she was coming here. And this is where the aforementioned abuse of technology comes in: when Shazia claims to have told nobody, Mia is able to use the Recaller against its owner and learn that Shazia informed her boyfriend of her whereabouts. Mia then has a decision: kill this innocent woman, this seemingly genuine insurance investigator, to protect her own freedom, or release her and risk being shopped to the police.

Mia opts to murder Shazia.

I want to take a moment to praise the performance of Kiran Sonia Sawar for the sheer unwatchable believability as Shazia being interrogated by Mia. My heart utterly broke.

But back to the story – and exactly why “Crocodile” stands out independent of the technological aspect. It stands out because, above all, “Crocodile” is a story that escalates past the tech, past all human reasoning. It’s at heart a tale of a woman who became someone that would do exactly what she needed to survive, no matter what. That includes murdering her accomplice. That includes murdering the innocent insurance investigator, and her boyfriend.

And her baby son.


Mia murdered Shazia’s baby so that police couldn’t use a Recaller on it and identify her. But if the idea of a woman capable of murdering a baby to cover her tracks wasn’t sickening enough, the story isn’t quite done dealing gut-punches. When police investigate the death of Shazia’s boyfriend and child, they reveal that the baby’s death was utterly in vain. It wasn’t a witness to anything. It was born blind.

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But the guinea pig wasn’t.

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Black Mirror Arkangel Download Torrent Download

All those innocent people dead, all for nothing, because in the end an animal’s memories could be recalled as evidence just as easily as a human’s. I really don’t have any words for the depth of the depravity that “Crocodile” reaches. It’s Bleak Mirror at its finest, even though the story is only helped along by the tech rather than spawned from it.

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And Mia’s guilt? Her regret? Crocodile tears, if ever I’ve seen them.

RATING: 8/10


  • Self-driving, automated pizza delivery vans? Now that’s something I can get behind.
  • The porn film Mia downloads is from WraithBabes, seen in “Fifteen Million Merits”. Did I miss any other Easter Eggs?
  • Every actor in this episode brought their A-game at various points. “Crocodile” may not have been the best episode of Black Mirror, but it will certainly be one of the most memorable.